
hello, i'm clem

I'm Clément, a human being that lives in London and grew up on the internet. This is my website where I display work done during my job as a product designer and some other things I've made.

I've been working for 3.5 years as a product designer making business tooling at Farfetch. I take pride in working to improve the life of the workers relying on our tooling day in day out, and helping out small businesses sell online. My process strongly values research since my time studying HCI. I believe that to succeed, we need to listen to the people who use our products. Having a people focussed process was one of the reasons I moved to design from software engineering.

When not moving pixels in Figma, I'm probably eating, growing or thinking to much about food. Shooting and processing analog pictures. Or drinking wine. I unfortunately don't have a cute pet to plug here but I'm interested in meeting your dog(s).

I can pinky swear that I'm better at the old design than writing bio.

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