3min video intro of my role in the B2B design system at Farfetch

The B2B Design system at Farfetch covers most of the business tooling and aims to deliver the best experience to our external and internal users, while making it easier for design and engineering to build them. I have been involved for around 3 years by now and made the transition from contributing to component specifications to now managing the design contributions to the system.

Example of a business tooling screen at Farfetch

We do a lot of tables around here, like in this merchant management tool

As a business tooling design system our biggest challenge is to find a balance between making complex flows simple and providing enough informations to make work efficient. We want to meet our users where they are and be little distraction, so that means more integration with spreadsheets and complex filtering options than novel means of interaction.

I’m currently leading the design contributions to the system, being the voice for B2B in wider design system forums, setting objectives for growth, organizing contributors, all in all, making sure the system progresses and serves it’s users needs—for designers, engineers, but mostly our business users.

Example of a business tooling screen at Farfetch

When settings goals for next year onwards, I tried to strike a balance between solving existing problems and pushing our growth

I started working on the design system by contributing to specifications. At the time the “system” was a Sketch library and a few different code implementations of each components. I got progressively more involved, leading our transition to Figma in 2019 with another designer, working with engineering to insure quality and make the right tradeoffs. We now have a united system in code, multiple contributors, and are developing content in the direction of guidelines and pattern documentation.

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